Headset is an indispensable item in modern life. No matter where we go, we can immerse ourselves in our own sound world with headphones. Therefore, people’s requirements for the quality of headphones are getting higher and higher, and an excellent package will bring more positive feedback to consumers and gain the trust of consumers.
This is a black paper tube packaging for earbuds headset, what we provide is an excellent headset packaging box. The packaging box is made of cardboard and adopts a cylindrical carton structure, which is very suitable for storing headphones. The exterior of the package adopts fashionable black as the background color, which is in line with the aesthetic style of the young people. The real photo of the headset is printed on the basis of the black background color, and the product is printed directly on the package to help customers quickly target the product. The brand LOGO is printed on the packaging with white characters on a black background, which has the effect of highlighting the LOGO.
This packaging is mainly used as a case display. If you need different design effects, we can provide customized services for all types of packaging boxes. If you like the already designed packaging, we have a large number of cases for you to choose from, and you can modify and redesign the existing packaging. If you already have design ideas for the packaging box, we can fully meet your needs in terms of packaging box materials, box structure, printing, and interior decoration, and we can design and manufacture the most suitable product for you package.
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